Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dec. 17, 2007

Go Home and Get Some Sleep You Are Not McGyver

I realize that once again I have been MIA without explanation. Suffice it say that 2007 will be known as the year I ineffectively, inefficiently, and haphazardly multi tasked my way through a year.

After more than a 12 hour attempt to get home from a four day trip to Oklahoma* to visit my sister et al., I arrived home yesterday exhausted to the point of near mania. The four hour nap helped tremendously, but I still felt pretty beat at work today. This afternoon I was bumbling around my office attempting to catch up on paper work and plan lessons clearly making more of mess than actually being productive. I knew it was time to give up and go home when the following scenario occurred.

This is one of those situations that I honestly cannot figure out how it happened but afterwards I laughed myself into a fit of tears, turned of the computer, and signed out of work early. I knocked off a stack of papers and leaned over the arm of my chair to pick them up. As I went to lean back up I was snapped back down unable to sit up. Baffled I looked to see what on earth had happened. Apparently the way I bent down combined with my bra and arm of the chair created a virtual boobie trap, yes pun intended! The end of the arm of my chair had hooked into a gap in my bra causing my bra to stick around the end, pinning me to my chair. In my amazement of the situation, after I unhooked myself, I tried to recreate the moment and my bra never again decide to suck in the arm chair so I still have no idea how this all happened. You probably just reread those last sentences trying to figure this out all. You aren't crazy, it's a freakish situation and doesn't make sense.

I just know that tonight I am going to bed early.

*Wouldn't you just know I had to visit OK the week of freakish snow and ice storms and it was 80 degrees in NC all last week. Seriously, mother nature hates me.

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