Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aug 9, 2007

So Far So Good

Out of boredom, which in reality is a good thing, I may be posting a lot today. I have started a list of rather random comments I am hearing here in the surgical waiting room. If it gets to good to share I will go ahead and post those.

My brother, Dave, is now in the recovery area. They had anticipated giving his left kidney to Missy and told us the surgery would take about 90 minutes. After 2.5 hours my mother was crawling the walls and looking more like Mad Eye Mooney than any good southern momma should. I have never seen her move faster when our pager finally went off. Apparently Dave's surgery took longer because when they started gutting him, they found his left kidney has two tubes that drain the urine, making that the better kidney to leave inside him. It apparently is trickier to remove the right kidney hence the reason the entire procedure took longer than anticipated. I sort of imagined the doctors getting all frustrated looking over blue prints of a body and having to readjust their positions over my brother while he lay there filleted like a fish. But the good news is they are now attaching his right kidney inside Missy. If all goes well she should be out in a few hours. In the mean time I am continuing to look for ways to entertain myself and by entertain myself I mean walking around looking sassy yet confused in the hopes that some hot single doctor offers his help, whereby we strike up a conversation and instantly fall madly in love. We could have kidney cake toppers at the wedding as to always remember the precious circumstances that brought us together, tender eh?

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