Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oct. 16, 2007

I know, I know

So pretty much the last two months I had to cut some things out and clearly the blog was one of those things. I realize that everyone who blogs is busy but my multi tasking had reached a level of "Send Me to Dix on a One Way Ticket" like never before.

The problem with being so insanely busy is not just lack of time to post but I find when I am running around like a crazed person that I don't even have time to reflect on the current happenings in order to find things post worthy. However, the last few days have offered multiple nuggets and have brought me out of my post drought, at least temporarily.

Last weekend I went home for a follow up doctors appointment. And might I add a generous shout out to Dr. Detriech who thankfully kept me from killing myself via self inflected lung extraction. My asthma had been such a beast over the past four months but thanks to his magic I can now breath. I find my cranky levels have significantly improved along with my ability to breath. Directly proportional? I think so.

Anyway, so I was home for one last lung test as well as Smurfette's baby shower. Ahh a baby shower. Let's just say this, remember the wedding? It's gonna be a long ride people. A very long ride. Harperk tells me I have become a snob living in the Hill. If being a snob means I like for people to dress in something other than what they wear to a yard sale on Saturday morning to a baby shower than not only am a snob but I am darn near the Queen of Snobland. Also, if the good Lord above ever sees fit to deliver me from the land of bareness and withering ovaries and someone throws me a baby shower so help me I will cut your face if you insist on games, serve chips and salsa, and try and make me wear some stupid hat made from the bows removed from gifts. Maybe I spoke to soon on the levels of my crankiness.

One of the greatest treats this trip home included helping the 'rents and Missy get ready for an 80s birthday bash. I love the fact that my parents are 60 and 57 and were as happy to dress up for this celebration as anyone. I especially love that my mother didn't have to buy a costume but already had a Rod Stewart t-shirt at hand and my dad had white "dungarees". He insists on calling them that even though I tell him all the time that no one knows what he is talking about and he should just say jeans. I also braided Missy's hair for the oh so fab crimped look and we couldn't forget the wings. As a side note I think Missy and David look pretty good two months post kidney swap.

Saturday night the family gathered for dinner to celebrate David's 39th birthday. My sister turned 40 this week too, it feels weird to have siblings so old. Weird. Anyway, we were gathered for dinner and of course the conversation turned to the impending birth of Gabby. She is due on the 28th and large numbers of us want her born prior to the 31st so she can be dressed in one of those adorable Halloween costumes for infants even though it's likely that she wouldn't so much as leave the house in it. This conversation made me realize that it's not just the quality of events like weddings and showers that make me fear the worst for this dear child.

Mom: I cannot decide if I like the pea pod or candy corn costume best.

Smurfette: I know, I think I would buy her one of each but they are so expensive.

Stumpy: Expensive? I saw them for like 12 bucks.

Smurfette: You saw costumes for the baby that cheap? WHERE?

Stumpy: Pet's Smart. No need to spend lots of money on something she isn't going to hardly wear. Pet's smart has them puppies. Four holes-- two arms and two legs that is all we need.

Me: Mom, to think you spent all that money on a new cradle. Apparently Stumpy would be just as content with a dog bed.

If you knew Stumpy, you'd know he isn't even kidding. He is seriously that cheap. The fruit doesn't fall that far from the tree. But if I come home to find my new niece dressed in this little number


I am so calling DSS.

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