Recap and Welcome 2008
Really, the past two months have gone by in a whirlwind.
First, there was Thanksgiving where our family had our first S&M Turkey.
When dad decided to smoke the turkey we read that it had to be tied onto the rotisserie. I think he took it to the extreme but in the end we had this delicious bird so no one really complained about the over zealous culinary twine.
I was most thankful for spending the day with baby Gabby. Seriously, who couldn't resist seconds of nibbling on her chunky legs more than on turkey.
The week after Thanksgiving I went to Tampa to present at an international literacy conference. I was pretty jazzed my submission was accepted on my own accord and not with big name PhDs associated with me. I was also excited to be in 80 degree weather with a fantastic beach.
This was the view outside of my room.
Between the scope of my presentation being narrow and the fact that I was presenting by myself (without the one with all the lipstick), I didn't expect a big crowd. I provided handouts for 35 people. I stopped counting, to avoid major anxiety attack, when the 150th person sat down in the gigantic ballroom. Seriously, what were these people thinking? It was JUST ME! The presentation couldn't have gone smoother and was very well received. A huge reinforcement to know that I am truly doing good things for my students. So this nerd is patting her own back. Deal.
Before I could blink from coming home from Tampa it was time to return again to G-vegas for Gabby's blessing.
You might think I would actually have a picture here of Gabby with Stumpy and Smurfette. However, that would have required their cooperation and by the time I arrived at their home after church they had changed their clothes and Gabby's. I was slightly miffed particularly since I said no less than a thousand times how I wanted to get family photos after church with Gabby in her gown. So I took family history preservation in my own hands and after Gabby got milked up, I put her back in her gown and at least took pictures of her with Pawpaw, Grandmama, and myself.
Three days later I leaped onto a plane with my parents and headed to Oklahoma, in my opinion the ugliest state in our country. If you are from OK, don't argue with me. I have visited OK many times over the past 15 years and it is ALWAYS ugly. No matter the season or city my sister is currently living in, it's ugly. But I go anyway and this time it was for Dallas' baptism the first time I have seen his preciousness since the wedding. Man, has he grown!
Really, they all have grown! The baptism was lovely and now there is some hope for his salvation. I mean seriously between being named after an NFL team, living in OK with my sister, and growing up believing it's ok to insist your special dinner be at a very unappetizing Mexican restaurant so that you then order a corn dog really makes me wonder what is in store for his darling soul.
One might think that I would learn this is the most unflattering position to take a picture, the self picture. But seriously it's addictive and I cannot seem to resist. As in further proof because upon returning from Oklahoma it was time for more unflattering shots with John to celebrate his 4th birthday.
Apparently it's in the male gene.
I adored spending a weekend with The Boys, which if you notice in the picture below is now at the count of four. FOUR. BOYS. Poor Ginny.
Can you tell which one I think is destined for a career in Vegas?
Phew. All the travel.
I was home just for a few days and enjoyed the madness of the crazy kids all hyped up for the holidays. I have to brag on the rugrats and tell you they all were rock stars in our annual winter program. We sang two songs and the kids were fantastic, especially since last year they all just stood at the front and literally screamed and cried. This year, all smiles, all singing, and note the cute snowflake shirts we made in class. If you think I am just bragging email me and I will send you the video clip, so darling.
Christmas day came thankfully with quiet and calm to my parent's house. We enjoyed serious feasts of deliciousness including my dad's traditional prime rib. Sadly, for some reason I didn't take a single photograph. But don't worry, not to break the pattern I do have this shot of Gabby's first professional sitting. What you see here is DNA proof that Stumpy is the father. Note the cowlick. All four us have it and so far all five grandchildren do too. Good times.
The fun didn't stop there because Harperk came up to The Hill to enjoy New Year festivities and to partake of what I hope is our new gift giving tradition. Instead of tangible exchange of goods we spent a morning at a spa where we received an hour Swedish massage and then an hour facial. My spa experience was nothing short of angelic but sadly Harperk's facial specialist was a bit of a jabber jaw and insisted upon talking to her about women discussing p*enis' with each other, which hello, I never do that with my girlfriends. And then made rude comments about her eyebrows and then gave her a shotty wax job.
I think she felt better after we became gluttons and partook of food fit for queens. We had homemade creme brulee at the toast of midnight, baked brie, pomegranate fruit salad, homemade chocolate chip cookies, brownies with cream cheese frosting, and of course sparkling cider.
With all the spirit of the new year I even forgave her for mocking my green resolutions and saying "I cannot believe you have totally bought into all that Al Gore crap." That is what happens when you live in a small town and can't shop at cool places like Whole Foods. Bless her heart she just doesn't know any better. All the more reason to stay her friend.
So in the midst of all the living that has been listed above I have also had to keep up with my day to day life and career. And as if I was just sitting around twiddling my thumbs I signed up for National Board Certification. You know, because it's not like I have anything going on really. Why not add that sort of pressure to my existence. But it's the biggest reason I have been so neglectful of documenting the fun that is my life. Working on my NBCT portfolio has sucked any fun that comes from writing. It's due March 31st so maybe then I can return to telling funny stories about weird strangers on the street giving me hugs like last week. Or how I have converted HarperK into a recycling carbon footprint conscious citizen. Until then, you may have to be satisfied with ridiculously long posts that win awards for having shameful amounts of pictures and links to old posts.
Happy New Year and welcome 2008!
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