Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nov. 3, 2007

Gabriella, the things that I tell ya

It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I first became a favorite Auntie 15 years ago. I was lucky enough that the first time it happened twice in a two week period. I remember holding Stumpy Jr, that chunk of a nephew (9lbs 6 ozs, 21"), in my arms and thinking I could never imagine what it must feel like to be a mother. I loved him so much and it seemed impossible to feel more love than I was feeling yet it certainly must be more with your own child. Since that first burst of auntly adoration I have felt those overwhelming sensations of new love three more times. It's been 8 long years since I was able to snag the title of favorite aunt. The Evil Sister and The One Missing a Kidney have all thankfully been cut off from the game. My family has given up hope on my uterus ever being good for anything besides collecting dust so we have all anxiously awaited the arrival of Gabby. She was due on Sunday and apparently is chocked full of the "You can't make me" gene from our family. She kept herself way up high, refused to swim down, and used some magical stubborn spell that even kept Smurfette from dilating.

Brave Smurfette and Stumpy were ushered off to the operating room after an entire day of being in labor and still only at 2 centimeters for Gabby to arrive via cesarean. She arrived at 6:32 pm weighing 7 lbs 12.5 oz and is 19". My mother called and immediately informed me that she looks just like Stumpy, however I am guessing that is a biased opinion. I look forward to arriving this afternoon and making that judgment call for myself.

I think Stumpy is going to have his hands full because Gabby has already decided she can one up him on everything. Stumpy's birthday is 11/1, Gabby is 11/2. Stumpy weighed 7 lbs 11 ozs, Gabby weighed one more ounce, and Stumpy was delivered c-section because he was was breach, Gabby said she could match that and swam herself back up high. While I use my special baby whispering powers to lull her into knowing that I am the favorite aunt, I may also be guilty of telling her it's ok to drive her daddy crazy.

Gabriella Adelaide*

Smurfette and Gabby**

* I know, but I didn't pick it and basically I was so happy that they didn't use any of the family names I wanted that they could name her Dirt and I would be thrilled.

**These not so great cell phone shots will have to do until I get down there today, but trust me you will be so sick of pics in the end that the blog will probably be changed to Obsessed Favorite Auntie With a Useless Uterus Who Needs to Get a Life.

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