Until April 1st
from Thinking It Through by DanaLee
I have 14 days until my National Board Portfolio is due. Instead of grossing you out with the pictures of the thousand stress induced cold sores in my mouth I thought I would share my morning with you. Despite it being St. Patrick's Day, we had our annual spring egg hunt at school. Just in case you think that is cruel rest assured we have cool things like musical, beeping, and super bright high contrast eggs.The largest component of the National Board Portfolio is the "reflection" piece. This is where I am supposed to wax pensive and discuss ways that I can be a better teacher. Mostly I just want to write "Suck it you chumps, you couldn't do my job for a day so just give me my darn 12%!" But somehow I find enough self restraint left to say ridiculous things like "It is important for me to realize (fill in any number of buzz word phrases)..." and try to mean it. Ask my friend Lis, she sees right through me. In the spirit of reflection here are the top 10 things learned from today's spring egg hunt with the teacher being the student and the students being INSANE MONKEYS.
1) Never have special activities on Mondays.
2) If you think you have enough adults to help you don't. Always ask for more.
3) Don't teach the kids how to open the eggs until AFTER the egg hunt.
4) Don't lose the special musical egg and then find it after the egg hunt.
5) Don't ever wear these jeans again.
*6) Don't let people taking pictures walk behind you.
*7) Don't take the kids on a field trip to Ireland, they will starve. Today's lunch was Irish Stew, turnip greens, and Irish soda bread. Not a single bite was taken.
8) Group pictures are overrated.
9) My students have amazing parents who are always willing to lend a hand or let their heads get rubbed by other kids with chocolate fingers.
10) I love people who observe madness and without being asked jump in and assist. I had two lifesavers today, Jill and Michael. I am saying a special prayer tonight and asking for them to be sent straight to heaven.
I realize this post isn't quality but I have to finish my real reflections now. Then at least with an extra 12% insanely chaotic days like today might be worth it. *If you think you are getting illustrations of these mishaps THINK AGAIN.
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