Happy Birthweek to Me
It's my birthday this week. If you haven't caught on the past three years I am sorta a freak about my birthday. I blame it on my mom who basically made up for her abusive and neglectful childhood by making our birthday events over the top. I love her for that. We weren't spoiled with lavish gifts and outrageous parties but there certainly wasn't any question that growing up we felt very special on our birthday with festivities usually lasting for several days. So I would appreciate it if you got on board with the same program.
First, thanks to all who voted in my special birthday poll several weeks ago. Five voters had it correct when they selected "The writers strike to be over so that new episodes of The Office and Pushing Daisies can return." as what I most wanted for my birthday. Clearly these voters are people I need to have on my team because seriously, the writers strike is now over and my birthday wish is coming true.
Second, I would like to thank Hollywood for feeding my dance movie fetish by releasing a dance movie once again in time for my birthday. I cannot wait for Thursday night when I am going to go see Step Up 2 The Streets. Lamar, my favorite movie reviewer gave the acting 2 buds, no big surprises there, but an entire 6-pack for the dancing! Which means my birthday movie night is going to glorious. Lamar is never wrong, and while I can't generally relate to the amount of alcohol he gives a film, I can relate to his enthusiasm and sarcasm. That man never leads me down the wrong movie path. I feel even more prepared now that I understand the theme song better thanks to Jordan Baker's lovely job of the cracker break down to "Low".
While having the writers strike end and Hollywood releasing a feature film in my honor have been wonderful birthday treats, I realize some of you may need options for supporting the celebration. In my sheer boredom that was staff meeting today, I took the opportunity to put together the following helpful list.
1) Fresh flowers. I know there are people that consider them a waste. I am not one and always welcome them in any variety.
2) Dinner at Twisted Noodles. I haven't stopped obsessing over their Tom Kah since eating it two weeks ago with Angie, the most talented music therapist ever born and no that isn't an exaggeration.
3) Comments on any post of your choice. As a general rule I welcome lurkers and love comments from my friends. For my birthday week celebration I challenge you all to leave a comment. I would love to receive 33 comments in celebration of turning 33! I do however reserve the right to delete your comment if you lash out with something like "Dance movies suck, cinnamon rules, and trolls don't deserve flowers."
4) A date with any and or all of the following peoplea) friendsb) Vin Dieselc) any male not creepy, bathed, and has the majority of his own teethd) Max (Come on, a girl can dream right? I mean I did get a signed autograph picture from him three years ago. It's only natural to move things to the next level.)
5) homemade German Chocolate Cake
6) A list of people who are younger than me but look older than me.
7) A list of reasons that I do not look 33 or old in general.
8) A list of reasons why 33 and single is great and not a reason to take out a loan so that I can have an appointment here.I am pretty sure that gives most all of you an option. If you still don't see something that fits your need to contribute to this week's birthday festivities send me an email or leave a comment and I am sure together we can come up with a suitable alternative.
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