Friday, November 26, 2010

Jan 30, 2008

Preschool Curriculum: First Anantomy and Now

With an A in anatomy 101 under her belt Livvy has moved onto geometry. The only problem is I barely made it alive out of high school geometry and that was even with macking on my tutor. True story.

Today when she was signing in we had the following conversation.

Livvy: Miss Dana will you please draw me a trapezoid?

Me: Sure, give me your hand, and we can make one together.

Livvy: Can you draw me a hexagon?

Me: Well, I can try, but I am not sure I can do it.

Livvy: What about a pentagon?

Me: Let's give it a try. (drawing pentagon together) Well, it's not a very good one, but it has five sides.

Livvy: (leaning her face and best eye flat against the paper) That's ok, I will see if someone else can do it better.

Me: Sorry I am a failure as a preschool geometry teacher.

If she starts asking physics questions next week she is so getting kicked out of preschool. I refuse to be shown up by a three year old.

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